Sun (45 images)
These photographs of the Sun are for your viewing pleasure, and to bring glory to God, who is the creator of all the celestial objects in the sky.
The Bible says:
“God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to
rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the
heaven to give light upon the earth.
(Genesis 1:16-17)
The Bible says:
“God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to
rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the
heaven to give light upon the earth.
(Genesis 1:16-17)
Sunrise over the moun...jpg
Mountain Sunrise
Mountain Sunrise DEU...jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Ocean Sunset DSCN3648.jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Setting Sun on the Oc...jpg
Sun Rising DEU-1588.jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Mountain Sunrise DEU...jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Sun Rising DEU-1581.jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Sunset on the Pacfic-...jpg
Red Sun Rising DEU-06...jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Crepuscular Rays on t...jpg
Ocean Sunset DSCN3940.jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Ocean Sunset DSCN2678.jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Mountain Sunrise _DSC...jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Setting Sun on the Oc...jpg
Mountain Sunrise DEU...jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Mountain Sunrise_DEU2...jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Mountain Sunrise DEU-.jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Ocean Sunset DSCN2361.jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Ocean Sunset DSCN3647.jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Ocean Sunset DSCN3645.jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Ocean Sunset DSCN3941.jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Ocean Sunset DSCN2668.jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Ocean Sunset DSCN2674.jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Mountain Sunrise DEU...jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Sun Between Clouds DE...jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Sun and Clouds DSCN09...jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Ocean Sunset DSCN2670.jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Sun in the Clouds _DE...jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Sun between the Cloud...jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Sun in the Clouds _DE...jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Sun between the Cloud...jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Setting Sun on the Oc...jpg
Sun in the Firmament-...jpg
Sunset on the Pacfic-...jpg
Setting Sun on the Oc...jpg
Setting Sun on the Oc...jpg
Sunset on the Pacfic-...jpg
Bird Flying to the su...jpg
Sunset on the Pacfic-...jpg
Sun Between the Cloud...jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Sun between the Cloud...jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Sunset on the Pacfic-...jpg
Sun between the Cloud...jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Sun in the Clouds _DE...jpg
Greater Light Upon the Earth.
Mountain Sunrise-1036.jpg